Is Consumption of Eggs During Pregnancy Good or Bad – 2024 Guide

There are hundreds of things that pregnant women need to keep in mind during pregnancy in order to make sure that nothing they do will harm the baby. Apart from all the other precautions, the major precaution relates to the food items that a woman consumes during pregnancy.

Women need to be quite mindful of what they eat during pregnancy. This includes everything, from their breakfast to the dinner that they have including the in between snacks that they consume to satisfy the hunger.

The one thing that women are worried about is that whether eating eggs during pregnancy first trimester is healthy for them and the baby or not? This question is important because eggs are a source of protein in our diet and almost everyone consumes it in the morning for a healthy breakfast.

So today in this article we are going to talk about the various questions that women have related to eggs and pregnancy such as whether they are good or bad, how much should a woman eat on daily basis and etc. So keep reading to find all the answers to your egg related question.

Can a pregnant woman eat eggs during pregnancy?

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There are myths related to all the food items that consuming them during pregnancy can be harmful to the baby and risks the pregnancy in some way. But none of those myths are backed by scientific studies which are why they are not true.

The same is the case with eggs. You might have heard your grandma tell you that eggs are bad for the baby in some way. There might be some truth to it but overall eggs are actually good for you and the baby which is why eating eggs during pregnancy first trimester is actually recommended by the doctors.

Eggs contain proteins that are essential for the proper growth and development of the baby. But it also contains other nutrients that might not be so good for the pregnancy which is why so must not consume too many eggs in a day.

The main thing to keep in mind here is that eggs are good for the pregnancy and you should definitely eat eggs during pregnancy first trimester but you need to take certain precautions before consumption, which are discussed below in detail.

The benefits of eating eggs during pregnancy

Eggs are essential food items that you must add to your daily diet plan during pregnancy. They are packed with some essential nutrients that are required for the growth and the development of the baby plus it also benefits the mother by giving her the energy to support the life inside of her. Some of the major benefits of eating eggs during pregnancy first trimester are;

1. High Protein Content

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Eggs are popular because of the high protein content in them. Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies. They are required for the growth and development of the baby during pregnancy plus they also provide strength to the bones and the muscles of the mother to support the baby.

2. Development of Brain

As we said before eggs contain some essential nutrients and minerals. One of those essential nutrients is called choline which is required for the proper brain development of the baby. It ensures that everything goes accordingly. Plus choline also prevents diseases like Spina bifida and anencephaly from developing in the baby.

3. Calorie Intake

As the mother’s body is supporting two lives at the same time thus it requires a double amount of calories in order to provide properly for the baby and the mothers. A single contains about 70 calories thus consuming two eggs in a day can fulfill the calories required for the day.

4. Helps To Regulate Cholesterol

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The white part of the eggs is good for the body as it balances the cholesterol level in the mother’s body that might arise due to over-eating. On the other hand, a pregnant woman should avoid eating egg yolk during pregnancy because it can lead to high cholesterol levels and cause cholesterol-related issues.

5. Vitamins

In addition to all the other necessary and essential nutrients, eggs also contain vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, and vitamin B2 which are good for the growth and the development of the baby.

Risks of eating eggs during pregnancy

Even though eggs are a great source of nutrients that promote a healthy pregnancy, there are certain risks that are associated with the consumption of eggs during pregnancy if they are not consumed properly. Some of the major risks that you might have to face are;

1. Salmonella Poisoning

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Raw and uncooked eggs contain Salmonella which is a bacterium that causes diseases. So consuming raw eggs during pregnancy can sometimes cause food poisoning which leads to vomiting and abdominal pain. Other symptoms caused are diarrhea, high fever, headache, abdominal pain, and dehydration.

These symptoms can lead to preterm labor and sometimes also increase the risk of miscarriage. Thus it is recommended that a pregnant woman should consume boiled or fried eggs during pregnancy.

2. Other Risks

Some of the other risks associated with the consumption of eggs contain the risk of high cholesterol levels in women who are already suffering from cholesterol issues and the risk of allergies. Some of the other common reactions of eggs are skin rashes, nasal congestion, hives and etc.

How many eggs during pregnancy should a woman eat?

how many eggs can i eat a day when pregnant

This is one of the basic questions that might come to your mind after your find out that eggs are actually good for the health of the baby and the mother. An egg contains about 185 mg of cholesterol whereas our body needs about 300 mg on daily basis. So the number of eggs that a woman can consume during pregnancy on daily basis depends on her cholesterol level.

 So you can consume one or two eggs daily depending on your cholesterol level. If you have a high cholesterol level then you must only consume a single egg daily but if you cholesterol level is under control then you can consume two eggs as well.

The process of purchasing and storing an egg before consumption

There are certain things that you must keep in mind before actually consuming the eggs during pregnancy. Some of the major things that you must take care of are,

  • Always purchase eggs from a place that have a certification mark on the eggs
  • Ensure that you don’t consume any of the pre-cracked eggs
  • Don’t keep boiled eggs stored for long. Consume them within three days.
  • Don’t get eggs with dirty shells because they might contain bacteria.
  • Avoid eating foods with eggs in them at the restaurants because you don’t know where they came from.
  • Store your eggs in a fridge to avoid contamination. You can also place them in a separate container for proper hygiene.

The right way to prepare eggs for pregnant women

There is no special way to prepare your eggs for pregnancy. The only thing that you need to keep in mind is that you should boil or fry it till the point when all the salmonella bacteria are killed and the eggs are completely safe for consumption.

In order to ensure that you kill off all the bacteria is to boil the eggs for at least five to seven minutes. This provides the egg with enough heat to kill the bacteria and make it safe for consumption. If you are planning on consuming a fried egg that you should fry it until the white is no longer translucent.

And also make sure that the yolk is completely solid. Do not consume raw eggs under any circumstances during pregnancy.


There are certain precautions that you must take before egging an egg. Like all other food items, eggs are also contaminated which is why you need to adopt the following practices in order to ensure that you remove all the major toxins from it before consumption.

  • Always hold hard-boiled eggs during pregnancy with clean hands
  • Prepare egg omelets during pregnancy in a clean pan.
  • Before using any utensils, wash them in boiled water to kill all the bacteria and germs.
  • Keep your kitchen and fridge clean or any other place where you store your eggs.
  • Store eggs in a separate container.


Overall eggs are good for the pregnancy because they are an easy source of proteins that are essential for the healthy development of the baby. It is highly recommended that you only consume moderate amounts of eggs on a daily basis and always consult your doctor about your diet plan before adding something to eat.

So we recommend that you consult your doctor about the number of eggs that would be good for your pregnancy because the number varies from mother to mother depending on her condition and trimester.