10 Best Bottle Sterilizer – 2024 Buying Guide & Reviews

Cleanliness is the number one priority of your house. Just as you wash your utensils every time you eat, it is equally important to sterilize your baby’s bottle every time it’s given the drink. The sterilization of baby bottles is crucial because it keeps away the bacteria.

It is true that when your kid is outside of the house or goes to pre-school, he might get germs from the environment but what he eats from you have the complete control over it.

Bottle sterilizers are quick and ensure the cleanliness that you expect from the utensils. The bottle is very thoroughly cleaned from the inside as well as the outside that you need not worry about the bacteria or any other germs. In this way, your kid’s health is ensured.

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Do you need a bottle sterilizer?

You might be wondering why you even have the need to buy this product. Many mothers contemplate whether it is necessary to buy these. If someone gave you a voucher as a gift for the baby shower and you want to buy something that you think is more necessary than a bottle sterilizers, well you’re absolutely right.

Do you really need it? You might think that hand-washed bottles are also clean enough for your kid. Many mothers say no and they are correct. 

But will the need arise at some time that you will want to buy it? Then that’s a definite yes.

There are dozens of benefits of providing a sterilized bottle for your kid. And after reading those benefits you can make your decision yourself.

According to Livestrong, milk has everything that microbes are attracted towards it. Most of these germs gather in the milk if the utensil in which it is put is not cleaned thoroughly with the correct method. What is it in the milk that germs are attracted to it?

First of all, is water. Both breast milk and formula milk have water portion in them and germs need water in order to survive, it is equally important to them as other living organisms. The second is the sugar, germs love sugar.

We all know sugar has the ability to reproduce microbes, so with the sunlight that contains some of the bacteria, they grow so rapidly that if the container is not cleaned they are bound to affect your child’s health. Furthermore, there are minerals and protein present in the milk that also speed up their growth very rapidly.

You are careful of making sure that the food that you feed to your child is clean by keeping it stored in some space that there are very few chances of germs being spread. But after you’re done feeding your baby then what happens?

You leave the bottle in a sink or on a table up until it is washed. When you go to wash it, you see a milk ring at the bottom of it and brush it off thinking, hey, they’ve already drunk the whole milk so it isn’t that important right? Well, you’re very wrong!

That milk ring at the bottom is the new home of the germ growth and they become to thrive right there. So what you do? You wash the container with your hands, which cleans only the outer dirt of it; not the bottom.

Huffington Post writes in their article that research shows that dishwashers clean more effectively than when hand washed. Dishwashers can reach 145 degrees that kill all the microbes from the utensils in addition to removing the dirt.

We all know that germs rapidly fester in your kitchen sponge than anywhere else. On top of that, many scientists and researchers including Forbes say that a kitchen sponge is the most germ festered item in the household. If what they say is true, then we can say that it is cleaner to use toilet water than use a sponge to wash utensils.

Now that you’re cringing over the fact that using kitchen sponge for your kid’s container is dirty and you are thinking of keeping it 100 feet away, you need an alternative. Sure, Dishwasher is the best alternative. It does have the ability to reach the temperature that is high enough to remove some of the germs from your dishes but the temperature is not enough to completely sterilize or remove the germs.

To completely remove the germs, you need a temperature than is hotter than a basic dishwasher. After the sterilization of the bottle, it remains germ-free for at least 24 hours until it is wide open and the air gets in. When you use a dishwasher for the bottle, it is open to air immediately after it is cleaned.  So it has almost no effect on the germs.

A bottle sterilizer has four benefits that a dishwasher does not. First of all, and the most important benefit is that it saves water. Unless you have the plans of buying many bottles, you need to wash the few that you already have every day to make sure you have a cleaned one ready.

This means you have to go around having too many containers and equipment to clean, thus, a load of water is wasted. In comparison to that, the sterilizer is small and it saves your water use and as well as time for a long period.

The second important benefit is less time. A regular dishwasher takes up to 45 minutes of workload while a sterilizer works only for 10 minutes. You know how important every minute when you are a mother of young children. You always find ways to save time for your kids.

The third important benefit is higher temperatures. As discussed earlier, we know the dangers of the leftover milk that is crusted in the sides of the container. You don’t want to put new formula or breast milk into an already festered container so that more germs grow in it.

This is why extremely high temperatures is necessary to ensure that it is clean enough to add new milk. Your kid, unlike you, doesn’t have a very strong immune system that can fight off the germs, so the bacteria will have a worse effect in his body than yours.

The fourth and biggest benefit is to ensure that the container in sterile until you use them. When you clean something in a dishwasher, you have to open it up. The sterilizer can remain close until you want to use the bottle again. You just open the lid and use it, this reduced the chances of germs festering up, it safer than leaving instead on a counter or a table that brings the germs back into the bottle.

There is another alternative that you can do to remove germs completely. And that is to heat the water in a container, bring it to boil and then put the bottles in it. The water heater is considered to be the fit way for the sterilization of the dishes.

This is quite similar to a sterilizer as it does the same work. But this also leads to damaging them. Then you will have to buy new ones every other day. Boiling is not that much convenient than something that disinfects them completely.

You need extra steps to disinfect the container, and you don’t have that much spare time. It is also difficult to completely immerse the bottles in the water as they keep on floating upwards and also keeping it away from the sides of the pot so that it doesn’t damage the bottle, also it cannot assure the container is fully disinfected. 

Going back to our main question, do you really need a sterilizer? Maybe no, you have many other less effective alternatives for cleaning. Will you want a sterilizer? Then that’s a definite yes! If you want to thoroughly clean your containers and sterilization of them is important for you in order to avoid your child getting infected by germs, then yes, you will.

Below we have some types of sterilizers that you will want to know about before buying one.

Types of Bottle Sterilizers

These disinfectors have three different types, each of them has various pros and cons. These three types are: Coldwater sterilizers, microwave sterilizers and electric sterilizers.

Cold Water SterilizersMicrowave SterilizersElectric Steam Sterilizers

These come in the form of tablets or liquids that disinfect the bottles when putting in the cold water. How to do it? Very simple. You fill a large container with water, you place the disinfector in the water. After that, you submerge your equipment piece or the bottle in it.

Make sure you close the lid for about 30 minutes. The water will remain sterile for at least 24 hours which means you can keep the bottle in it for 24 hours if you want it. This method is very easy and takes very little time.


These are a few cons of this product:

  • You will have to make sure that you wash the container and clean it thoroughly with your hands before you put it in the sterile solution.
  • The sterile solution leaves an aftertaste in the container when kept in for a long time; which your child can taste while drinking from it.

Microwave sterilizers are very cheap. The electric ones are more expensive than them. Microwave ones are also the fastest way of sterilization of the containers. Within the microwaveable disinfectors, you have two options.

The first option and the cheapest among the two are sterilizing bags. They are very heavy bags. The way to use them is simple. You fill the bag with water and the items that you want to disinfect. These are reusable bags, they can be used many times before throwing them away. You might have to buy these reusable bags again and again for a long duration.

The second option of microwave disinfector is the sterilizer container. This one is a plastic container and a lid. They commonly have a basket inside that is used to drain the water that is used to clean them after steaming them.

This container also has the ability to leave the items set upright while the sterilization process is being done. It is not necessary for you to wash your items when using this microwave one unless the leftover is so crusted on the sides that it’s impossible to clean with disinfector.

This is very simple. You put the bottle in the container with water. You close the lid and put it in the microwave for three to eight minutes. The microwave sterilizer doesn’t have the need for chemicals, unlike the cold water one.


There are a few cons of these type of products:

  • The microwave itself is the con. We all know that the rays of the microwave are very dangerous to the dishes. The same applies to the bottles as well.
  • You cannot use metal items or any other items that are not safe for it in this product. This also includes the equipment, if its metal, you can’t put in it.
  • The space is very limited. In the regular microwave, you can many bottles.
  • If you have a very small microwave, you can’t put the sterilizing container in it because of its big size.

The most convenient one is this type, the Electric Steam Sterilizer. It’s like those two-in-one products. It has everything in one device. The way to use it is even more simple. You put the items in it, fill the water in it, and then close the lid. Plug the product and it will start its sterilization. No chemicals are needed to be put in.

The water will heat up and turn into steam and then clean the items thoroughly. It works the same way as microwave one does, but this one is more efficient and has been built in warmer. This entire process of cleaning takes time of about 6 to 15 minutes, it fully depends on the device. The electric steamers are also very large in size, as compared to microwave ones, more bottles can be put in without any problem.


The negative side of this product are few:

  • The price of electric steamers is very high. They are more expensive than the above two.
  • The size is very large as compared to the other two, which means they take a whole lot of space of your counter.
  • They are difficult to take with you when you travel, unlike microwave ones that can fit in the suitcase easily but you need to find the microwaves then.

Other Features of Bottle Sterilizers

The features of sterilizers are equally important when looking for them as types. These factors depend entirely on what you want.


One of the most important features of the sterilizers is the size. When a baby drinks formula milk, he might need feed that can take up to 6 bottles. A baby that is given breast milk might use less, it depends on how much the mother substitutes or pumps breast milk a day. It would be fit to have a sterilizer that can clean 6 bottles all at once, in this way you only need sterilization once a day.

If you use a wider container then you will need to make sure that you buy the best size that is fit for them. They need a bigger size than an average bottle width as most of these products to write down their capacities.

Size not only matters to the containers but also many items that your kid uses that need sterilization. It is best to use only one product that cleans everything from teethers to pumps. But one thing to keep in mind is to make sure of those items before you put them in the sterilizer. 

Having a sterilizer that is large enough to fit everything inside can also be beneficial as they can be used for future use after your child grows up. Many parents use them to clean the dishes like bowls and silverware to make sure their child is bacteria-free.

Organization inside the Sterilizer

The relationship with your bottle sterilizer either makes it or breaks it which is based on the organization inside it. Does it have equal compatibility to fit in both large and small items? Or anything can be put in it?

It is important that you clean the tongs and also the brushes that are used to clean your items, just as kitchen sponge needs to be clean. Is the product able to hold those items? It is best to separate all the items and to keep everything clean because it helps in the sterilization process.

In this way, the product is given space enough to steam clean the items thoroughly. So rather than stacking them all up, put them in a more systematic manner so that it has more surface area to expose them to steam.

AlarmFiltersAutomatic featuresBuilt-in DryerExtra Equipment

The alarm is the most important device, it is the most glorious invention. You can leave the product with the alarm on and do other chores or spend time with your kid while it cleanses the items. And when the alarm goes off you can take it out. It is the most convenient device. Another feature is that they light up when the product is on a warning to other housemates that product is on and it’s hot. In this way, it prevents accidents like kids touching it. This is only the feature of electric steamers.  

Filters are built-in features in some of the products. The filters help in removing any minerals from the water that you pour in it to avoid the fester in the items. This feature not only ensures cleaned bottles but also the life of the product for a long time.

Automatic sterilization is a very convenient feature of these products. This means that whenever you close the top lid, it automatically starts cleaning the items after couple of hours to make sure the contents are sterile. Further, this could also mean that whenever you open the lid to remove an item from it, it automatically starts off when its close again to make sure no bacteria gets back in.

Some products have a double feature that is air drying. This is a very fantastic feature, the product air dries the items after cleaning so you don’t have to take it out and dry it off. Keeping the wet containers inside the product can be a problem since there is a high chance of germ growth in it. So this feature is built to make sure that they dry it out completely and ready for you to use it. In this way, you can keep the items for at least 24 hours inside the product without any danger of festering of microbes again. 

Apart from these convenient features, some sterilizers have extra equipment that helps in the process. Many products have a built-in feature to avoid the items to get burned due to high temperature inside while the cleaning is taking place, these are extras other than the tongs that sterile the contents. Some products have brushes that are a plus point for cleaning the bottle more thoroughly.

How to use a Bottle Sterilizer?

 Even though this product is used to kill the germs, it does not have the ability to remove any caked up dirt in the bottle. The best way to make sure of that is to wash the item manually with your hands and remove the leftovers from it.

This helps in sterilizing the item quickly and more effectively, i.e. if you see any milk or formula residue left in the sides, clean it off and then put it in. For a more thorough clean, remove all the contents of the bottle, just removing the top of it is not enough.

You need to remove the nipple from the ring and other parts that can be taken off it and then put them separately into the product, you need to make sure the surface of the item is exposed. Nooks and crannies are the trickiest parts where all the germs are festered and those are the hardest to reach in the cleaning process. The product can clean it thoroughly as long as you remove all the parts of it.

For the best results, you should use filtered water. Filtered water has fewer minerals which helps in removing the leftovers from the item, tap water or other water have too many minerals. This is true no matter whatever sterilizer you use.

It is very crucial as to how you remove the contents from the product. Don’t touch the sterile items with bare hands as your hands have germs and other microbes. It is best that you use some kind of gloves, tongs, or other cleaned equipment that is clean enough.

One of the best ways to make sure content remain clean is to keep them in the product with the top firmly closed. If the need arises you can remove content and put it in sealed plastic bags. This can ensure no dust or germs gets in.

Best Bottle Sterilizers Reviewed

Now we are going to list down the top ten and most popular bottle sterilizers along with their pros and cons so that you can choose according to your own desire.

1. Cuisinart CS-6 6-Bottle Capacity Baby Bottle Sterilizer

Cuisinart CS-6 6-Bottle Capacity Baby Bottle Sterilizer


The Cuisinart CS-6 6-Bottle Capacity Baby Bottle Sterilizer is electrical in working nature which has the capacity to hold at least 6 bottles at one time. The sterilizer’s capacity is pretty large hence it can hold bottles of 8 ounces and some brands have seen to hold up 12 ounces as well.

The organization is made a breeze when the two compartments come together. The bottom of the sterilizers is built with six different bottle stands so that you can hold 6 bottles in each. The stands can be utilized for other equipment such as for separating plates etc.

On top of the bottles, there is a rack fixed in place. Moreover, there is space inside the racks for you to adjust some other small items too. After assembling them completely, there is a handle present which allows you to pick the bottles up and then lower them down into the sterilizer after using them. One lid is present that covers the whole sterilizer.


The process of sanitizing is very simple and easy. Into the lid, a measuring cup is built for your convenience and also for you to store it easily. During this process, the sterilizer takes up to 3 ounces of water. However, we see that it does not consist of any built-in filter so you will have to use already filtered water.

Otherwise, there will be a mineral build up in the sterilizer. Once you have filled the machine with the demanded ounce of water, just simply plug it in and turn the switch on. For this entire process, it will take a maximum of 10 minutes for sterilization.

The sterilizer will automatically turn off the moment it is done with sanitizing the bottles. Since the machine does not have a drying cycle, you will have to take out the bottles from it and then put it on a rack for drying. If this is not done with attention, then it might result in mold growth.

This Cuisinart electric streamer sterilizer is well-known for the huge capacity it has yet kept the design intact. This sterilizer makes your daily life easier for you because of the simple process of cleaning bottles and equipment. So now, you do not have to worry about your space problems. It has been simplified for you!

Nevertheless, you have to keep a few things in your mind such as not keeping the sterilized bottles inside it just like bottle cans because as we mentioned before, the sterilizer does not have a drying process and a huge amount of water stays inside the sterilized bottles.

For avoiding this, you need to take an extra step of drying them yourselves to abstain from any mold growth. But also having this compact sized machine is worth taking this extra step.

  • After the sterilizing process, the machine goes off automaticallynFor easy storage, there is a built-in measuring cup
  • Once the sterilization process is done, the machine has no function to dry them upnSince the entire water used does not evaporate, the sterilizer has to be cleaned so that there is no mold growth

2. The First Years Power of Steam Electric Steam Sterilizer

The First Years Power of Steam Electric Steam Sterilizer


The First Years Power of Steam Electric Steam Sterilizer is also a compactly designed 5 bottles handling sterilizer. As we come across other sterilizers that are shorter and wider in design, this First Years sterilizer can save up more space for you to counter.

The organization of this sterilizer is a five-finger exercise along with the three levels it comes with. It is all on you when you are ready. When you think you are ready to do it, then just simply load up the sterilizer and take the center compartment out.

The bottom shelf of the First Years can hold up to five bottles at a time over the five steam attached to it. Moreover, you have the option of adding two more trays so that you can keep your small items on it i.e. the nipples of the bottle or any pacifier to utilize the three levels equally. You can leave the middle compartment for putting the taller bottles if any because it is more spacious than the upper and lower compartments.


If you are not using the center compartment, then you should put it back into the sanitizer and cover it with a lid. After this, you can add in filtered water and then turn the button on. When turned on, the steam shoots out from the steam wands so that the bottles are sanitized completely and thoroughly.

The steam then goes upwards towards the other levels of the sterilizer. But you have to keep a balance of adding items because if there are too many items then the sterilizer will not let the steam go up till the top of the tray and other items will not be sanitized.

A tip for all sterilizers is, that if the top is flat or dome-shaped, it will affect the ability of the steam to spread equally to all parts of the sterilizer. However, this electric steam sterilizer always focuses on the process of sterilization only and not the aftercare, which is equally essential.

So when the process is done, it does not dry up the items. But where there is a drawback, there is always a solution to it as well. The First Years has made things easy for you in sense of pulling out the center compartment so that you can layout the trays in the air for them to dry up and be ready for usage.

This is also suggested because there will be a molded growth if you do not dry your items properly. But this does not mean you can leave the bottles until you want to use them again.

The First years have a benefit over its specification of the organization because no other sterilizer comes with three levels. Definitely, this space-saving sterilizer is mainly designed to bring comfort and easiness in mother’s lives.

The compromise made here because of the organization is that the thorough and equal steam flow, which these short but wide sanitizers are like. A benefit of this, however, is that this First year is the fastest sterilizer you will find in the market. Since it takes just 5 minutes in total to fully complete its cycle.

  • This does not consume a lot of space making it beneficial for you to carry aroundnBecause of the three adjustable levels you have more freedom to organize your thingsnThe wands of steam automatically shoot directly into the bottles so that better sterilization takes place
  • If there are other items present and it gets over loaded, then all the items will not get sanitized equallynThe top is flat so the steam flow gets disrupted as wellnThe First Years also does not dry the items after sterilization due to which the chances of molding become higher

3. Wabi Baby Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer Plus Version

Wabi Baby Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer Plus Version


The Wabi Baby Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer Plus Version are built for accommodating the 3 in 1 style design. This not only saves your place but your time as well. Unlike other sterilizers, you can store up to 8 bottles along with other small stuff such as nipples of the bottle.

Yes, you heard it right! It is very unique in these terms. The air rotator helps in directing the steam so right that it goes in all directions thoroughly for the sanitizing process.


This sterilizer is designed to carry out 3 major functions. The first function is to sterilize all eight bottles at a time while placing them inside the compartment at the bottom. If you want to get the best sterilization, you will have to place the bottles over the steam wand.

Then, at the top of the bottles, a tray is placed at the top so that you can hold the small items up. When your child gets older, you can add in the plate tray. There are five slots with the plate tray for placing the plates and bowls with either side having baskets to contain spoons and forks.

All this stuff can be placed together on top of the sterilizer as well so that they can be sterilized along with other items as well. When you have finally put all the things in their right place, then you can place the lid on it and then turn your machine on.

Inside the bottles, the steam is spread in all directions by the steam wands and through each compartment with the use of its rotator. For even better and good sanitation, the top of the dome is highly beneficial for this functioning. When the complete process of sanitation is done, the machine turns off on its own.

However, unlike the previously mentioned sterilizers, we see that there is a drying cycle in it for preventing molds. This is mentioned as the second function of this Wabi Baby. They have their belief that the drying cycle is equally essential as the process of sanitation for keeping your bottles away from any kind of bacteria.

Any item that is not wiped completely makes a higher chance of molds and bacteria growth. Moreover, if the air-drying technique is used, then it exposes us to bacteria outside the bottles. The best way to adopt for sanitizing your items properly through drying, it to keep in enclosed in the sterilizer.

Other features like air rotator are also very advantageous. The time to dry your items up decreases because of the air rotator. So, the drying process can take up to 1 hour for carrying out its function completely.

The third function, which is definitely not the least, is the storage unit of the sterilizer. The capabilities of drying up these items just within the machine, makes you relax a bit until the next time you have to use your items. Adding all these reasons up, Wabi becomes the best storage unit that keeps your items in an organized way but also keeps them sanitized when the lid remains over it.

In order to make the sterilizer function even faster you have to use the function of memory. When done setting up the memory, you can customize your settings and then let it become a one button function for all the next times you have to use it.


For avoiding any kind of mineral build-up, you just have to descale the complete device by using the simple solution of one button.

Yes. You know that Wabi is one of the best options you have for your little one. Since it sterilizes, dries up your items as well as store them by keeping them all safe from all the molds and bacteria.

Mentioning the large space, it has is yet another reason to opt for this option available in the market. Nevertheless, where you have many features combined together in one thing, then there are higher chances of things to be broken easily.

This statement is proved by looking at the short life span of this sterilizer. But since it works well, many customers have given really nice reviews as well.

  • In less than an hour, the drying cycle helps in preventing any molds or bacterial growthnFor better sterilization, the air rotator plays an essential role by spreading the steam in all directionsnThis device can fit up to 8 bottles at one timenAn extra rack for your child’s plates and silverware is provided. nThe memory function saves a lot of timenTo prevent any mineral, build up, the sterilizer consists of a descaling function
  • It is a very costly option for your baby bottle sterilizersnThe process of sterilizing takes at least 15 minutesnThe machine tends to leak when the water amount instructions have not been thoroughly followednThe life span of the Wabi is very short

4. Tommee Tippee Electric Steam Sterilizer

Tommee Tippee Electric Steam Sterilizer


An extremely compact and 5 bottles sterilizer, Tomme Tippee Close to Nature Electric Steam Sterilizer, is here to make your life simpler and easier. How is it made simpler? By providing an option of one button function for turning it on and off. Along with this, there is a pacifier and tongs too.

Firstly, when you have to use your items, you have to take out the middle compartment. Since it is a two-tiered rack, you can put your bottles on and other small items as well. The lower rack consists of the cup holding slots for making your bottles stand on it with a complete balance.

Moreover, the small items such as the nipples of the bottle are to be up on the upper rack. There is a handle at the top of the rack which makes it effortless for you to pick things up and place them in the sterilizer. The dome-shaped lid also consists of a handle which is then placed over the device to cover it completely.


In order to start the sterilizer, you first have to fill the water compartment up. Just a simple function of one button helps you get started with the cycle. The sterilization process takes up to 5 minutes to get done with its job.

After this entire process, you will have to remove your items since no drying cycle is present. The tray is removable and lets you dry your items by lying them on the counter in the air. This would prevent any kind of molds on your items.

This baby sterilizer is not so heavy on your pocket when choosing for the best electric streamers. The price of it lets you guess how basic the designs and functions of this device are. It just simply has to do its job of sterilizing.

However, unlike the other expensive brands, it does not offer any extra buzz or whistles when the work is done. But what it is designed to function, it functions pretty well. A drawback of this is that the cheaper materials used in this sometimes give a burning smell. Nevertheless, the main function of the sterilizer is to sterilize the items and that’s what it does greatly. 

  • The entire sterilizing procedure is done within 5 minutesnThis device is compactly designed hence you can put it on any counterpartnThe tongs are provided for you to retrieve the bottles in the best sanitary way
  • The tray at the top is a little unstable and sometimes wobblesnNo function for drying the items is present so they have to be removed and put in the air to prevent any growth of moldnWhen the machine is running, it tends to smell like a chemical burning

5. Baby Brezza Baby Bottle Sterilizer and Dryer

Baby Brezza Baby Bottle Sterilizer and Dryer


The functions of this Baby Brezza baby bottle sterilizer and dryer are somewhat similar to the ones of the Wabi Sterilizer. The Brezza can hold up to 6 bottles at a time in the bottom section and the other multiple accessories can be put on the top.

In the Brezza, you are using prongs instead of baskets. On the lower level of the sterilizer, the bottles are set over the prongs and the bottom remains open where the steam is being made.

From the center, a stand comes up which consists of prongs flowered all around the top. The nipples and pacifiers of the bottle can be hooked up on the prongs that allow maximum exposure to steam. Then, at last, the entire machine is covered with a dome-shaped lid.

The options of customization of cycles are present for you, on the front panel, so that you can set it according to your own needs. Three different cycle options are present; sterilize, sterilize and dry and dry.

The sterilizing cycles work for up to 8 minutes. After this is done, it is you who has to choose the 30-, 45-, or 60 minutes drying cycles according to your need and satisfaction. Well, after all this, if you keep the lid on the sterilizer, your items remain sanitized for the next 24 hours straight. This way they are kept away from any kind of mold and bacteria growth. 

Often times, the Wabi and Brezza have been compared for their similar functions. Brezza is the one that is cheap in cost among both products but Wabi has seen to gain better reviews from the customers. The major difficulty we face with Brezza is its uncomfortable loading system with the prongs.

  • The settings are pretty much customizable, even the time for dryingnThe drying setting for storage of your items and avoiding mold growth nWhen the sterilizing process is done, the machine turns off automatically
  • The prong present for loading the items has made it difficult for fitting the items, and the unique to regular basket are what the sterilizers usenThe Brezza has a specific amount of water to be filled with otherwise it tends to leaknIt does not have a long life span just like the Wabi sterilizer

6. Brown’s Microwave Steam Sterilizer

Brown’s Microwave Steam Sterilizer


This is a 4 bottle sterilizer that has room for other small items as well. For making the removal of both bottles easy and sterile, this sterilizer comes with tongs. The whole sterilizer is 7 inches tall and with this height, it can fit into any microwave easily.

The two simple things which have to be dealt with in Dr. Brown’s microwaveable sterilizer. The bottom place is where you can place the water. To help in placing your bottles and other small items, there are indentations on a slightly raised tray.


All instructions are provided specifically for loading the bottles so that they fit in perfectly. This is done because they cannot stand stably inside the microwave. Dr. Brown is the best fit for bottles. Apart from this, we have the lid which is designed in a very simple dome shape that is covered with plastic. Moreover, it has a handle to lift it up after you are done working.

For sterilization, you have to pour in the regular tap water at the bottom. Then place the enclosed sterilizer in the microwave and let it run for at least 5 minutes. When it is done, you have to remove the sterilizer from the microwave and then take out all the items for drying them up afterward. This step should be taken for preventing any mold growth or bacteria from coming in.

The whole machine is made up of BPA-free plastic which is easy to be cleaned when placed in a dishwasher. You can also remove the center rack when you want to clean it properly.

This microwave bottle sterilizer is very simply designed; just a bowl covered with a lid. There is not much we can help you with organizing the things properly or do anything extra to carry out the steps completely.

With that being told, it might only be the container that you need to do all the jobs. The bottom tray of the sterilizer is made for draining out the water from the items that a regular bowl and lid cannot do. 

  • This sterilizer is very simple to use and easy to cleannThis takes only 5 minutes to sterilize your bottles completelynIt is portable because the size of it is very smallnSterilizer consists of tongsnIt can be cleaned in the dishwasher for a good wash. It is durable
  • This takes a lot of effort to fit the bottles and other items properly in itnThe sterilizer does not have a drying cycle hence you have to take the things out and let them dry in the airnThe cover causes a little bit of trouble especially when it is warm. It is difficult to handle it

7. Brown’s Deluxe Bottle Sterilizer

Brown’s Deluxe Bottle Sterilizer


Dr. Brown’s sterilizer is an electric sterilizer and it can hold a least 6 bottles at a time. The utmost accuracy for water filling is measured through the measuring cup attached to it and also the tongs that are present to remove the items in order to keep them sterilized.

When the actual time to load the sterilizer up, Dr. Brown has the ability to remove the tray from it. Also, the round cup holders are present for holding the bottles and placing them in their right spot.

This right spot is the place where the steam goes straight upwards for it spread equally in all directions for better sanitation. The area for bottles is designed in such a way that the bottles fit inaccurately but other regular bottles can be held in this place too.

Along with a hinge, a basket has been attached for you to keep in the small stuff which then closes upright on top of the bottles. For closing the top of the basket properly, the design of the hinge is also made for the flat lid.

The hinge is given for your convenience so that you do not have to find any counterpart while you are processing your sterilizer. This not only saves your time but your space and energy as well. In the longer run, this is the best option you have for your little baby.

The Indicators

On the front, there are electric controls that help you identify on which step you are during your sterilization cycle. A power button and a start button are the two major buttons. On each of the buttons, there is an indicator at the top.

The first one helps you check if the sterilizer is hot and if the sterilization mode is on or off. The second indicator gives a green check when the bottles have been sterilized completely. The last indicator is blue in color that tells you when the sterilizer has cooled down entirely.

This cool down mode helps in cooling the temperature of the items after the complete sanitation process. This is so because you will not be afraid of being burnt when you are retrieving your items.

The whole process of sanitation takes at least 8 minutes in total. After it is done, the machine turns off automatically.

While we see that the new functions are beneficial, the comprehensive design consists of many great flaws that do not make a deal for the customers. The highly-priced Dr. Brown electric steamer does bring in new features but the ones that are not of good quality. 

  • The indicators are of huge benefit in knowing the current status of the machinenA cool down mode is present for you to cool down all your items after sterilizationnThe automatic turns off function of the machine is goodnTo avoid having to find any place to assemble your things, there is a lid and a basket
  • No drying function availablenThis sterilizer is a bit large in size as compared to others, whereas, the inside seems smaller than other regular sized onesnLess steam is emitted because the heating element is very small

8. Munchkin Steam Guard Microwave Sterilizer

Munchkin Steam Guard Microwave Sterilizer


This Munchkin steam guard is the best one to keep your bottles safe in a microwave. This can contain at least 6 four-ounce bottles or 4 eight-ounce bottles. It has tongs for you to safely remove your items after sterilizing. You do not have to touch them and introduce bacteria to the bottles all over again. The size of it is 11” by 7.5” and this size would fit in any microwave.

The basket of large capacity is removable for you to load your bottles up and place them at the top. The handle is then used to lower the items again.

A very different and unique feature of Munchkin is the open-away latch. Removal of the container through the handles (heat resistant), you do not have to care about yourself being burnt.

The price is an edge on this Munchkin device because it is not only cheap in price but also the best cheap options you have. However, the safety latch feature is the utmost important feature for putting it in a microwave.

Most of the sterilizers lack this feature. Many mothers have personally faced burns on their forearms so they would give a straight yes to this one. The only withdraw of this product is the cheap material used for it.  

  • The feature of latch-away prevents your form burningnHeat resistant handles are presentnThe sterilizer is designed in such a way that it is dishwasher safe for it to be cleaned thoroughlynSterilizer comes with tongsnTo load up the items, you can simply remove the basket
  • The tray inside the sterilizer does not have any design of keeping the bottles and items in their placenThe handles on the sides are flimsy hence, get heated up very quickly despite being heat resistantnThe three sides are left with some latches and the third side tends to leak sometimes

9. Philips AVENT 3 in 1 Electric Steam Sterilizer

Philips AVENT 3 in 1 Electric Steam Sterilizer


This Philips AVENT 3 in 1 Electric Steam Sterilizer can adjust 6 bottles of 11 ounce or other same-sized bottles. The entire process of sterilization takes place in just 6 minutes. After the cycle is completed, it turns off entirely.

This is divided into three pieces in total. The bottom one is the heating unit. The next one is the compartment that is tall for handling the bottles and other large items. The third unit is the small basket. This is the reason why Philips has named it as 3 in 1.

The basket can be removed and the lid can be placed to cover the large unit. If your items are smaller in size, then you place the basket right on the heating unit. This helps in further saving space and making the items come into direct contact with the steam.

It is an easily customizable sterilizer that saves a lot of space and lets you pull it out whenever you want.

However, there is a huge drawback. This device becomes easily rusty if you keep on washing it after every time you use it for sterilization. This makes it less long-lasting. Otherwise, it is the best sterilizer in town.

  • Three stacking places are provided for you to save place for yourselfnAfter the cycle is complete, the machine turns off itselfnFor placing other small items, there is much greater space in comparison to other sterilizers
  • Drying function is not availablenIt tends to become rusty very quickly and this can be prevented only when you prevent scrubbing after every usenEven after cleaning it properly, there is a pungent smell

10. Philips AVENT Microwave Steam Sterilizer

Philips AVENT Microwave Steam Sterilizer


The Philips AVENT Microwave Steam Sterilizer is the most spacious and fastest product among all. It can hold up to 4 bottles at one time and the time duration is also very short only 2 minutes. The tongs are also attached to it. This product measures 6.5 inches by 11 inches which can fit in a regular microwave easily.


First place four containers on the removable rack inside the product. These look like short cup holder indentations that make the container stay upright. The rack is made for Philips AVENT bottles, but you can use regular ones, they will fit alright. To make it easier, a handle is given that lowers the rack to the sterilizer. Close the top lid and then put it in the microwave.

How much time it takes is directly dependent on the wattage of your microwave, although the average time is 2 to 6 minutes.

After taking it out, you have to make sure to keep the open away from you so that the steam does not come towards your face or hand. Recommendations say that that lets it sit in for at least 10 minutes or until it cools down before you open the lid.

  • The quality of this product is higher than others of this type.nThis product take less time to clean than others.nTongs are attached to the product which helps in fitting the containers easily.
  • Measuring cup is not included in this product so it is difficult to guess how much water needs to be poured, to avoid leakage.nHandles are not attached to product to help it move around.nIts small size, although is great fit for Philip AVENT containers only, does not let bottles of others brand to fit in.

Its plastic is strong enough to give space to all items. Although you will need to remove the contents and air dry them manually. Even though it is a better product among the microwaveable types, it is not sterile enough.

This product is the number 1 recommendation by mothers according to AVENT. It claims that this product is one of the high-quality options.

The Winner

The Philips AVENT Microwave Steam Sterilizer is simple and economical is the best option. It takes less time and cleans 4 containers at once.

If you want a product that is best in its sterilization process that sterilizes and dries them out completely without the fear of germ growth. If your air dries them, they have more chances of germs festering in the containers.

There are only two sterilizers that have both features which are Wabi and the Brezza. If you want to choose one of them, Wabi is the best option. It is better in quality and also easier to use. It can fit more containers to ease load than any other product.

To conclude, your child’s health is all that matters. You might want a product that saves time or gives more space. But what’s the point of buying something that won’t sanitize the containers thorough enough to remove all germs. The Wabi sterilizer is the best option that sterilizes the bottles completely.

{ "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "Table", "@id": "#table", "description": "The sterilization of baby bottles is crucial because it keeps away the bacteria. It is true that when you kid is outside of the house or goes to pre-school, he might get germs from the environment but what he eats from you have the complete control over it.", "url": "https://babybottles.com/best-bottle-sterilizer/#table", "name": "Best Bottle Sterilizers" } { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "ItemList", "name": "Best Bottle Sterilizer", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "image": "https://babybottles.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Cuisinart-CS-6-6-Bottle-Capacity-Baby-Bottle-Sterilizer-300x263.jpg", "url": "https://babybottles.com/best-bottle-sterilizer/#Cuisinart_CS-6_6-Bottle_Capacity_Baby_Bottle_Sterilizer", "name": "Cuisinart CS-6 6-Bottle Capacity Baby Bottle Sterilizer", "description": "The Cuisinart CS-6 6-Bottle Capacity Baby Bottle Sterilizer is electrical in working nature which has the capacity to hold at least 6 bottles at one time. The sterilizer’s capacity is pretty large hence it can hold bottles of 8 ounces and some brands have seen to hold up 12 ounces as well." }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 2, "image": "https://babybottles.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/The-First-Years-Power-of-Steam-Electric-Steam-Sterilizer-300x266.jpg", "url": "https://babybottles.com/best-bottle-sterilizer/#The_First_Years_Power_of_Steam_Electric_Steam_Sterilizer", "name": "The First Years Power of Steam Electric Steam Sterilizer\n", "description": "The First Years Power of Steam Electric Steam Sterilizer is also a compactly designed 5 bottles handling sterilizer. As we come across other sterilizers that are shorter and wider in design." }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 3, "image": "https://babybottles.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Wabi-Baby-Electric-Steam-Sterilizer-and-Dryer-Plus-Version-300x287.jpg", "url": "https://babybottles.com/best-bottle-sterilizer/#Wabi_Baby_Electric_Steam_Sterilizer_and_Dryer_Plus_Version", "name": "Wabi Baby Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer Plus Version", "description": "The Wabi Baby Electric Steam Sterilizer and Dryer Plus Version is built for accommodating the 3 in 1 style design. This not only saves your place but your time as well." }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 4, "image": "https://babybottles.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Tommee-Tippee-Electric-Steam-Sterilizer-300x256.jpg", "url": "https://babybottles.com/best-bottle-sterilizer/#Tommee_Tippee_Electric_Steam_Sterilizer", "name": "Tommee Tippee Electric Steam Sterilizer\n", "description": "Tomme Tippee Close to Nature Electric Steam Sterilizer, is here to make your life simpler and easier. How is it made simpler? By providing an option of one button function for turning it on and off. Along with this, there is a pacifier and tongs too." }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 5, "image": "https://babybottles.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Baby-Brezza-Baby-Bottle-Sterilizer-and-Dryer-300x283.jpg", "url": "https://babybottles.com/best-bottle-sterilizer/#Baby_Brezza_Baby_Bottle_Sterilizer_and_Dryer", "name": "Baby Brezza Baby Bottle Sterilizer and Dryer\n", "description": "The Brezza can hold up to 6 bottles at a time in the bottom section and the other multiple accessories can be put on the top." }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 6, "image": "https://babybottles.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Brown%E2%80%99s-Microwave-Steam-Sterilizer.jpg", "url": "https://babybottles.com/best-bottle-sterilizer/#Browns_Microwave_Steam_Sterilizer", "name": "Brown’s Microwave Steam Sterilizer\n", "description": "This is a 4 bottle sterilizer which has room for other small items as well. For making the removal of both bottles easy and sterile, this sterilizer comes with tongs." }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 7, "image": "https://babybottles.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Brown%E2%80%99s-Deluxe-Bottle-Sterilizer-300x284.jpg", "url": "https://babybottles.com/best-bottle-sterilizer/#Browns_Deluxe_Bottle_Sterilizer", "name": "Brown’s Deluxe Bottle Sterilizer", "description": "This Dr. Brown’s sterilizer is an electric sterilizer and it can hold a least 6 bottles at a time. The utmost accuracy for water filling is measured through the measuring cup attached to it and also the tongs that are present to remove the items in order to keep them sterilized." }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 8, "image": "https://babybottles.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Munchkin-Steam-Guard-Microwave-Sterilizer-300x219.jpg", "url": "https://babybottles.com/best-bottle-sterilizer/#Munchkin_Steam_Guard_Microwave_Sterilizer", "name": "Munchkin Steam Guard Microwave Sterilizer\n", "description": "This Munchkin steam guard is the best one to keep your bottles safe in a microwave. This can contain at least 6 four ounce bottles or 4 eight ounce bottles." }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 9, "image": "https://babybottles.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Philips-AVENT-3-in-1-Electric-Steam-Sterilizer-300x300.jpg", "url": "https://babybottles.com/best-bottle-sterilizer/#Philips_AVENT_3_in_1_Electric_Steam_Sterilizer", "name": "Philips AVENT 3 in 1 Electric Steam Sterilizer\n", "description": "This Philips AVENT 3 in 1 Electric Steam Sterilizer can adjust 6 bottles of 11 ounce or other same sized bottles. The entire process of sterilization takes place in just 6 minutes." }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 10, "image": "https://babybottles.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Philips-AVENT-Microwave-Steam-Sterilizer-300x288.jpg", "url": "https://babybottles.com/best-bottle-sterilizer/#Philips_AVENT_Microwave_Steam_Sterilizer", "name": "Philips AVENT Microwave Steam Sterilizer", "description": "The Philips AVENT Microwave Steam Sterilizer is the most spacious and fastest product among all. It can hold up to 4 bottles in one time and the time duration is also very short, only 2 minutes. 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Check out these top-of-the-line bottle sterilizers to make mom life just a little easier.", "dateCreated": "2020-05-06T12:20:09+00:00", "datePublished": "2020-05-06T12:20:09+00:00", "dateModified": "2020-05-07T18:56:28+00:00", "inLanguage": "en-US", "isFamilyFriendly": "true", "copyrightYear": "2020", "copyrightHolder": "babybottles.com", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Angel" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "babybottles.com", "url": "https://babybottles.com/", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "https://babybottles.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/apple-icon-152x152.png", "width": "540px", "height": "160px" } }, "mainEntityOfPage": "True", "keywords": [ "best baby bottle sterilizer", "best microwave sterilizer", "bottle sterilizer target", "best electric bottle sterilizer", "wabi baby electric steam sterilizer and dryer plus version" ], "genre": [ "SEO", "JSON-LD" ] }